Ephedra sinica (Ma-Huang)
Ephedra sinica (Ma-Huang)
A perennial, primitive shrub. Native to the steppes of north and northwestern China. A rare offering of the main official species. It does very well grown in pots. Dried stems are a natural adrenergic stimulant to the central nervous system and a bronchodilator for treating colds and asthma. The whole herb, dried and used in small doses, poses no threat to the health. However, the very young, the very old, and the pregnant mother would best avoid using this stimulating herb. Ma-huang prefers full sun and dry, sandy soils
The seed is easy to germinate in a warm, sandy medium. Strew the seed on surface of very sandy potting soil (50% sand) and barely cover with more of the same potting soil. Tamp securely and keep evenly moist until germination, which in the greenhouse or under propagation lights should take about 12 days.
Price is for 10 seeds
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