Hedychium spicatum
Hedychium spicatum
This absolute smasher is probably the hardiest and most reliable of the ginger family, and is ideal for giving a tropical appearance to a garden, as unlike so many others in the genus, it flowers quite reliably, very valuably and very late, before the onset of winter, in September. Its delicate, and sweetly-scented, creamy-white to pale yellow flowers have a coral apricot-pink coloring towards the base, and are held high on the flower spike, about 3-4 feet above ground level. It makes seed readily, and when ripe the bright green seed capsules burst open to reveal attractive orange linings with bright red arils. It prefers a deep planting and a good winter mulch and in the wild has a wide geographic range across the Himalayan region, from Uttarakhand in Northern India, through Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan, and on into Myanmar and China.
Sow seeds at any time, covering them very thinly with compost or grit, keeping the seed pot in a cool, well-lit spot outdoors. Artificial heat is not needed and can prevent germination so be very patient as many species will only germinate in the spring after chilling or freezing in the moist seed pot in the winter.
Price is for 10 seeeds
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