Angraecum peyrotii
Angraecum peyrotii
Angraecum peyrotii Found in central Madagascar at elevations of 1300 to 1500 meters on tree trunks in humid evergreen forests as a miniature sized, cool growing epiphyte with a short, ribust stem carrying 6 to 8, thick, semi-cylindric, concave above, 4 to 4.4" [10 to 12 cm] long leaves that blooms in the winter on an axillary, thick, enveloped completely by thin sheaths 1.6" [4 cm] long, single flowered inflorescence with half as long as the ovary floral bracts. Extremely Rare,,,,Please dont ever buy plants.
Germination Techniques: Botanists use two techniques to germinate orchid seeds. The first, symbiotic germination, is a complicated process that requires use of mycorrhizal fungi, as described above. The second, asymbiotic germination, involves germinating seeds in vitro, using agar, a jellylike substance that contains necessary nutrients and growth hormones. Asymbiotic germination, also known as flasking, is easier, quicker, and more reliable for growing orchids from seed at home.
Please be aware these seeds are dust like.
Price is for between 50/100 seeds
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