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Moraea lugubris

Moraea lugubris

Regular price €4,29
Regular price Sale price €4,29
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Cormous geophyte up to 16cm. Leaves 2, linear, channelled, glossy green. Flowers deep blue with the tepals all similar and spreading, enclosed by glossy acute spathes; conspicuous feathery style branches, pollen red. Flowers lasting only one day

Grows in the winter rainfall areas of South Africa. The flowers are white with yellow stripes, sometimes blue.

It is a perennial plant producing annual growth up to 45cm tall from a perennial, underground corm.

The plant is sometimes gathered from the wild for local use as food.

Sow the seed thinly so that the young plants can be grown on in the pot without disturbance for their first year. Give an occasional liquid feed to ensure that the plants do not become nutrient deficient. 

Price is for 6 seeds

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